Mileage Summary Statistics for our 2008 Prius.

My 2001 Prius Mileage History by Year      

2004 2005 2006 2007
End of year 11886.4 miles
Cost $502.54
273.02 Gallons
Avg. MPG=43.54
End of year 13856.4 miles
Cost $725.52
315.83 Gallons
Avg. MPG =43.87
End of year 13294.3 miles
Cost $751.23
301.22 Gallons
Avg. MPG =44.13
End of year 12075.4 miles
Cost $846.75
291.792 Gallons
Avg. MPG =41.38

Car Traded 4-4-08

My 2008 Prius Mileage History by Year

2008 2009 2010 2011
End of year 15985.8 miles
Cost $947.00
351.88 Gallons
Avg. MPG = 45.43
Cost per mile = 16.8 cents
End of year 15764.8 miles
Cost $864.70
333.451 Gallons
Avg. MPG =47.57
Cost per mile = 18.23 cents
End of year 13795.9 miles
Cost $979.18
313.958 Gallons
Avg. MPG =43.94
Cost per mile = 14.08 cents
End of year 10135.4 miles
Cost $785.31
225.834 Gallons
Avg. MPG =44.88
Cost per mile = 12.90 cents

Click Here for latest mileage data for the third year in our 2011 Prius      

End of year 13821 miles
Cost $988.71
298.122 Gallons
Avg. MPG =49.04
Cost per mile = 13.97 cents
Our 2008 Prius To see end of year data for 2010, 2011, and 2012 click on the underlined links in the rows above.

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