Hawaiian Alphabet

How many words of one-syllable or more can you make in your language using the Hawaiian alphabet? You may use the letter more than once. Remember, the alphabet contains the following letters: a, e, i, o, u, h, k, l, m, n, p, and w. Here are a few English words to get you started: hike, mop, hello.

Hawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian TriggerfishHawaiian Triggerfish


Humuhumunukunuku'apua'a is a triggerfish and the official state fish of Hawaii. As before, create new words of one or more syllables using the fish's name.

Translate Your Name into Hawaiian

A Friend in the Islands is a Hawaii-based Web site that offers phonetic name translations. The site is temporarily offline, but you can find more than 4,000 names at archived copies of the site with the help of the Wayback Machine. Thanks to Mike and Kim Crinella of A Friend in the Islands for providing the translation service.