Shred a Scarecrow

factory pencil

Scarecrow SampleFarmers work very hard planting and harvesting their crops. The scarecrow is an important "farm hand" whose job is to stand in the garden and frighten away birds which might eat the fruit, vegetables, and grain before they're harvested. People all over the world rely on the figures to keep their crops safe.

Scarecrows have a long history, dating back to the ancient Romans and Greeks who carved wooden statues of their harvest gods to stand guard in the fields. Germans created wooden witches for the same purpose, and they believed that the figures had special powers to draw the "evil spirit of winter" into their bodies so that spring would come. People in Japan protected their rice paddies with scarecrows made of oily rags and fish bones attached to tall sticks.

As you can see, scarecrows are created from whatever the farmer has on hand. In America the figure is usually made of some old clothes and a hat, and the stuffing is straw or hay. It's possible to make a small version of a scarecrow from some common materials. We'll use scraps of cloth and paper for the clothing and hat, and we'll shred yellow pages from a discarded telephone book to look like the straw. Recycling these materials will help save natural resources, energy, and landfill space.

You Will Need:

How to:

Paint the base before starting to make the scarecrow. By the time you finish the figure, the base will be dry and ready to assemble. Wash the brush when finished, because acrylic paint which dries in brushes can ruin them.

Make the Arms

Make the Body and Head

Design the Clothing right click to see full size pattern

Make the Hat right click to see full size pattern

These are just a few ideas of how to dress the scarecrow. Try to create some designs of your own!


Tips and Tricks:

When working with telephone wire, please take the following safety precautions:

© 1998 Marilyn J. Brackney updated (2018)

Volume 14 No. 1 revised 2010

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